Spring Cleaning Tips for Movers

If there was ever a time to pay extra attention to your spring cleaning, it’s during a move. If you’re selling your home, presenting a clean, well-organized, fresh-smelling space could mean the difference between a quick sale and a home that stagnates on the market. Before you pull on those rubber gloves, check out these five spring cleaning tips for movers to ensure your space is spick, span, and ready for a sale.
spring cleaning tips for movers - getty images

1. Get the carpets cleaned. When you’re deep-cleaning your home, it literally pays start from the ground up. Dirty carpets not only can make an entire space feel dingy, but they’re also a major offender when it comes to trapping smells from pets, food, and dirt.

2. Wash the windows from the outside. A bright space naturally feels more cheerful and appealing, so let the light shine in by scrubbing your exterior windows free of any dirt and dust that may filter the sunlight that gets into your home.

3. Clean the drapes. Speaking of windows, when was the last time you cleaned your window treatments? If you can’t remember, it’s high time to give them some TLC since shades, drapes and blinds can trap dirt, dust, and allergens that can make your home feel stuffy. Take a vacuum attachment to drapes or shades, and a dust brush to blinds. Drapes and curtains can also be taken to the dry cleaner for a deep clean.

4. Pay attention to the details.
There are plenty of places you probably breeze over during your routine cleaning sessions without even knowing it: The area surrounding doorknobs, the base of the toilet bowl, and the floors of your closets are common spots to skip. Potential buyers, however, will notice everything, so be sure to get into those corners and crevices with your 409.

5. Get organized. Use your clean streak as a time to get your home organized, too: it will make your home feel larger and more open, which is always a plus to buyers. Toss any items you no longer use, rent a storage unit for out of season clothes and sporting equipment, and make use of storage furniture for homes that are tight on closet space.