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Saying goodbye: How to leave your job gracefully before relocation

One of the many downsides of relocating is that you’ll have to quit your job. Quitting your job is not easy and often comes with a whirlwind of emotions. Regardless of how hard it is, make it a priority to leave your current job on good terms before the best movers NYC who up at your doorstep. By doing so you’ll retain your professional network, get good references and leave a positive mark behind. Let’s look at how to quit your job gracefully without impacting any relationships negatively before your big move.

Notify your boss first

Consider notifying your boss first about your decision to quit before spreading the news to your colleagues. This is important for practical reasons as your boss will probably need to start making adjustments so the company can effectively manage your departure. Let your boss know that you have something important to talk about and schedule an appointment with him/her. Make sure during your discussion you highlight all the positive aspects of your job and explain why you need to move on.

Assist in transition planning

It is important to leave peacefully, so, make sure that all your work commitments, project reports, business follow-ups, and client deadlines are completed before you quit the job. It could be that your manager immediately assigns someone else to do your job. If so, politely showcase the day-to-day program so that the new employee can easily transition into your position. This can positively affect your relationship with the colleague you are training. Your fellow colleagues will most likely be grateful for your helping hand and your boss will be sure to add this in your recommendation letter. This also proves that you valued your position in the company even to the final day.

Say goodbye graciously

Shortly before your final day at the company, you will have to inform all your colleagues about your departure from the company. Even here, you’ll have to be polite.  By doing so you can maintain your professional network – which can be very valuable as these people can help you stay up-to-date on your industry or notify you of future employment opportunities. Consider exchanging email addresses and adding colleagues on LinkedIn so you can stay in touch. You never know when you may need them again.

Now that you know how to depart in style from your current job, make sure you also relocate in style to your new location. Turn to the best movers NYC to help you professionally package and move to your new home.