How to Make Moving More Efficient: Take a Cue from the White House
There’s a lot of activity and craziness surrounding any move, but can you imagine if your only had a period of five hours to do it, and the entire world was looking on? This is essentially what happens when there’s a transition between administrations at the White House. Although the outgoing family, in this case, the Obamas, knows years in advance when their last day at the home will be, nothing actually gets moved or packed until their last day in office. The reasoning is that the outgoing President shouldn’t feel like he and his family are being “kicked out” of the house.

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So when does the incoming president, in this case, Donald Trump, move in? It happens at the exact same time the former president is being packed up. According to an article that appeared this week in USA Today, “‘The outgoing president sees the house the way he always saw it,” and “The incoming president walks in and everything that is his is there.” This is according to Dean Mercer, a former Secret Service agent assigned to both President Clinton and President George W. Bush’s details. That means as the Obama’s closet are being emptied and their furniture is packed away, the Trump family’s suits are being hung up and the furnishings and rugs they’ve selected are being put in place.
Besides simply moving in the First Family’s “stuff,” the White House staff also tackles cosmetic changes to the space at that time, which can include everything from swapping paint, wall paper and chandeliers, to replacing furniture, gym equipment, and shower heads, according to USA Today.
So what’s the best takeaway from watching The White House change tenants? That, while the Palace on Pennsylvania Ave might have limited time and dozens and dozens of people who meticulously plan for and execute the transition, it’s proof that hiring the right moving team can certainly help ease the stress that invariably come with any move.