5 Tips for Moving from the Suburbs to the City
There’s nothing quite like living in the city. From the endless restaurants, lively city streets and the plethora of work opportunities and activities, there are a million and one reasons to move to the city. But, if you’re relocating from the suburbs, there are quite a few considerations to take into account first. If you’re planning a big move to a city near you, take a look at these moving tips.

1. Store Your Belongings
While suburban life often comes hand in hand with spacious apartments and houses, city life is known for quite the opposite. If you’re downsizing with your move, one option you may want to consider is to store your belongings. Before you even start packing up your suburban home, you’ll want to measure the rooms in your new home to get an idea of the dimensions of what will and won’t fit into your new space. Gauge what furniture you’ll be able to bring with you and what knickknacks you have to store instead. There are quite a few different options for long-term storage, so you can rest assured that your items will be safe and secure until you move into a bigger space.
2. Sell Your Car
Depending on the public transportation options in your city, you may want to consider selling your car before the big move. If you’re moving to a major city like New York, there are endless transportation options to help you get anywhere and everywhere that you need to go. In many instances, your city apartment may not come with a parking spot and it could be more of a hassle to find parking for a car that you may use pretty infrequently.
3. Purge What You Don’t Need
Switching over to city life means a lot less clutter for a lot smaller of a space. If you’ve been browsing housing options in your new city, you won’t be surprised to hear that extra storage and commodities like walk-in-closets are a rarity, and when they are present, they drastically increase the cost of the home. To help you prep for this change in square footage, you’ll want to go through your belongings and purge what you don’t need. Start with your closet and donate or toss anything you haven’t worn. Next, go through storage spaces like your attic and garage, and toss anything that you don’t need to bring with you. Not only will this help you to start with a clean slate, but it will also save you the hassle of moving items that you don’t have use for.
4. Get Organized
After you purge your belongings, it’s time to get organized. Pack up your home in order of rooms, making sure to clearly label everything for easy unpacking in your new space. The more organized you are pre-move, the easier it will be to unpack post-move.
5. Hire Pro-Movers
Ease your stress and let the moving professionals at American Movers handle your move for you. Let a team of professionals worry about transporting your boxes safely, carrying your items up narrow staircases and fitting your furniture into your new home. Not only will it help make the moving transition easier, but it will also give you one less thing to worry about so that you can focus on getting acclimated to your new city a lot quicker.